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Smiling Mature Woman with Gray Hair

Facial Fillers

Facial fillers are used to soften, support and decrease lines and wrinkles. It can successfully be used to reduce deep lines and give support to skin giving a more youthful, fresher effect. 

Facial fillers are a series of injections that can be placed in many areas of the face but usually around the nose to mouth area, cheek area. As we get older we lose volume in our mid face area and can give some lift and support with fillers to give a younger less sagging effect. The lines around the mouth often become deeper as we age and so these can be made softer but it is important not to lose definition and expression. This is why a  careful and detailed consultation is important to maximise effect but to keep you real. 


Price List

Facial Fillers

Using quality filler for consistant reliable results



for a small discrete change of one line on both sides of the face



Perfect to make a difference to the cheek area or around the mouth

£500 +

3 ml +

For cheeks and mouth area to give a more augmented overall look.


Where can fillers be used

Filler can be used to support skin and fat pads to give a more youthful and fresher look. The usual places are around the mouth area and the cheeks. Filler can also be placed along the jaw line and in the angle of the jaw.

How quick will I see results

Results are instant but some swelling may occur and will need to resolve to see the full effect. Also the filler will slowly be absorbed into the tissues so will continue to change over the first 2 weeks. After this time more filler may be added if you feel it is needed.

Will I have bruising

Bruising is not uncommon with facial fillers as the face has lots of small vessels which can be disrupted during treatment. Bruising usually resolves after a few days and can be covered with makeup.

How long will they last

They usually last in the face between twelve to eighteen months. Lip fillers usually last between six and twelve months.

Beautiful Smile

Lip Fillers

Our lips are an important part of who we are and are often a focus of our faces. Not everyone has the lips they would like and this can be helped and adjusted with a small amount of lip filler. These fillers are often softer and more pliable to give volume, The outline of the lips can be enhanced and defined as well as giving volume. Not all lips need to be large but better to suit them to the person and enhance the natural beauty they already have. 
The filler can be given as a series if small injections and numbing cream can be applied to reduce discomfort. Bruising and swelling usually do occur but usually settles within 3-5 days. Only a mall amount of filler is usually needed to make a difference, sometimes al little as 0.5ml.

Price List

Lip Fillers



A small amount can go along way and give a subtle effect



For a fuller and more enhanced look


What are lip fillers

Lip fillers are a product that is injected into your lips to give outline and definition to your lips. It can also be used to add fullness and more volume.

Do they hurt?

the mouth area is very sensitive and so injecting into them is uncomfortable. The use of numbing cream and cool packs is used to minimise the discomfort and reduce bruising.

How long do they last

Lip filler does not usually last as long as in other areas of the face. This is partly due to a softer more pliant filler being used but also because we use our lips all the time.

Are there side effects?

Apart from bruising and tenderness swelling can occur more is some people. Some times lips can be over filled and become tight and uncomfortable. The use of small amounts and regular review is recommended.

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